
While on a 'official' Jim Becker High Mountain Lakes fishing trip, Stacy Frazier and I had time to run up Kitling Peak while the rest of the crew fished Kitling Lake. Dark clouds had begun to build up behind huge Mesahchie Peak as we got started from the lake swinging on a big left arc up onto the west shoulder of Kitling. We moved quickly since the party would conclude their fishing soon and pack to head out to the highway and the ride that should be waiting.

As we moved higher the clouds thickened overhead and rain threatened. As we neared the summit we could hear the snapping sound of static electricity zapping the metal tips on our ice axes, an indication that lightning might be getting ready to hit the summit of Kitling. We knew our time on the summit would have to be very limited so once there I snapped this picture of Stacy with his hair standing on end from all the static electricity in the air. Then we beat it down off Kitling. Strangely, lightning never did strike Kitling but it did hit other peaks in the area. Fortunately, we got back to the highway and our ride without getting any rain.